Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Maths Explorations for Thursdays.

Take a look below. You can also open the link here.

Fun Stuff!

Fun Stuff: Look below and choose an idea to explore...

Image result for future me

What would you like your future self to remember or know?

Maybe you could send yourself a letter of appreciation?

OR send yourself some advice- What would you tell your future self if you wanted to send a message to arrive in one MONTH??? 

How could we communicate with Aliens?

What if?
What if there was life on other planets somewhere in the galaxy?

Image result for ufo
What might we want to tell them? What would be important to know?

How would we communicate? What language to represent Earth? The most common language? Would it be a language?

What form would we use to get our message across?

Below are some people who are exploring this idea.