Monday, November 9, 2015

Liam's Lizard

On Friday Liam bought his birthday present to school to show us.  It was a real Blue Tongue Lizard!!

We described the lizard using the 7 Perspectives and Liam talked about caring for his new pet.

Can you tell your family about all the things we learnt about the Blue Tongue Lizard?

Thank you Liam for bringing such an interesting visitor to our classroom.

Tennis Fun

Wow!! Guess what we did today?
Tennis time, trying to teach us to learn tennis!!

Looking and listening to instructions.

Looking and watching.

Controlling the ball.


Tennis racket race track.

More relays.

Tennis racket hamburger.

Bucket catching.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Planet Warriors

Planet Warrior Exhibition at the Museum.

Creating energy to light up a light-bulb.

How much electricity do you use in a day?

Vampire Slayer, a game to help us save electricity.

Where does all the water go?



Hot and Cold House.

The 3 R's, Reduce  Re-use Recycle

Growing  things organically

Bio-degradable garden pots made from BLOOD!! 
(Bloody Plastics)

We had a wonderful time completing the Planet Warrior challenges and exploring the  activities,

Excite at the Museum

How can we use this machine to
 draw pictures?

Last Friday we explored all the exciting activities at Excite.  We had a great time trying out all the hands-on activities and thinking about the science concepts involved.


Why did this marble drops first?

Working together!!

Throwing darts through a hoop to land in a bucket,