Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Maths In Room 11

Fractions has been the focus in Room 11 for the last 3 weeks.

We have been learning to.....

  • read write and say fractions.
  • find a fraction of a shape.
  • find a fraction of a set.
  • order fractions.
  • solve fraction problems.
Testing each other on our doubles and halves.


Finding a fraction of a set.

Finding a fraction of a shape.

Problem Solving Using Fractions

We used fractions to solve problems using children in the class.

What fraction of this group is boys?

Here are 12 children from Room 11, six  are boys.  What fraction are girls?

One third of this group is going out to play because they have finished their work.  How many went out to play?

Finding out about fabulous fractions has been fun!!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Pajama Day 2015

Pyjama Day

 A day of fun and activities and thinking about others.

We started the day by playing with our soft toys, pillows and blankets.

 Mrs Lipsy helped us make cheese toasted sandwiches and milo,  which tasted wonderful on a cold frosty morning.

We decorated cards to send to the nurses and doctors of the children's ward at Waikato Hospital.  We wrote special messages to thank them for their care of  all the sick children.

Room 12 joined us to watch a funny movie called Aussie & Ted's Great Adventure.

We ended the day with a pyjama  assembly and were told how much money we had raised and how many toys and pairs of pajamas were donated.  It was an awesome achievement and giving made us feel good.

On Monday Kayla and other children from SNS went up to the children's ward at Waikato Hospital to present our gifts.

Today we showed that Silverdale Normal School children are kind and caring. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Traditional Maori Games

What an eventful week!

   Renee from Energize (Sports Waikato) taught us how to play with a poi by swinging and catching it by the te aho (tail).  


We have been exploring Matariki and learnt that it means "little eyes"
In groups, we found information to share.

Our Matariki brainstorm of ideas.

Look at our wonderful learning activities.

Next we had fun with string games, poi and rakau sticks.

Fete de la Musique:

Phoebe playing the ukulele.

Phoebe and Liam playing along with the ukulele group.

Hamoodi plays the violin.

A week of great learning in Room 11.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Science Inquiry 2

Rivers And Streams with Ms Cooper

The children have been exploring how water flow creates rivers and streams.

We used  a watering can and a hose to pour water down the hill behind Room 11 (which we renamed Playground Mountain)

We made rivers and rapids, streams and a lake (muddy puddle).

The children  talked excitedly about what was happening.

The water carved out the hill and moved leaves and twigs down the hill.

These are some of our drawings and explanations of what we saw happening.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Samoan Language Week

Term 2 Week 6 was Samoan Language Week

We had a wonderful time in the Student Common Room with Tiana and Mrs Baker  learning a Samoan action song.

We are getting ready to perform the Sasa - a slap dance which is used as a greeting.

Listen to us performing our Samoan song "Le Aute" back in the classroom.

The whole school performed the Sasa at our assembly and we sounded amazing.