Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 5 Photo Gallery

Photos from this weeks events.

Cross Country

Start of Year 3 Boys and Girls race. 

Didn't we do well!!  Class photo

Year 3 Girls Soccer Game

Poppy and Zoe represented Room 11

New Zealand Playhouse :
Jack Flash and the Jumping Bean.
 Photos of some of the characters.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Poi Toa

Room 16 showed us how to play a game called Poi Toa. They had written the rules so they could teach us what to do.
Sika reads us the rules
Next we learnt how to catch and throw the poi by the tail.

Some great looking and catching Jaz!!

Throwing and catching practice on the field.

Game on !!

Thank you Room 16 for a wonderful time!!

More Maths In Room 11

This term we have been exploring measurement and this week the focus was on volume and capacity.

SLO:  We are learning to: 
Level 1
  •  Use the language of volume and capacity correctly.
  • Order volume.
  • Measure accurately to a given mark.
  • Measure volume in everyday situations.
  • Measure with non-standard units.
  • Compare two volumes and talk about them.
  • Level 2
  • Talk about litres and millilitres.
  • Solve volume word problems.
  • Do they hold the same amount of liquid?

    Looking and listening to the instructions.

    Recording our ideas.

    Solving volume word problems with Mr Wynn.
    This is the process we use to solve volume and capacity problems.

    Lets estimate!!  How many cups will it hold?

    Who will have the closest estimate?  Lets check our answers!

    "I'll pour, you count"

    Sharing our answers.

    Some great mathematical learning in Room 11 this week!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

St John Visit

Room 11 had an educational visit from St John

The instructor talked to us about the three different types of emergency vehicles. 

He asked us to look at a picture and find all the hidden dangers.

We talked about keeping ourselves safe if we see an emergency and want to help.

We practiced  how to ring 111 to call for help in an emergency and to give all  the correct information to the operator. 

Next we learnt how to bandage an injured arm by pressing, plugging,wrapping and holding it up. 


Lastly we practiced bandaging each other.

Thank-you for a wonderful visit!!