Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Room 11 Visitor

A lamb came to school today!!

Liam and his mum brought a 6 day old lamb to school.  Liam and his brother Ethan are feeding the lamb because it was a twin and the mother 
couldn't  look after 2 babies.


Walking on a lead 
was a new experience 
for the lamb.

The lamb wears a coat to keep it warm.

Abigail gave 
the lamb a bottle of milk, look at it's tail waggle!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Exploring Force

Exploring Force With Mr Wynne.

First we looked at pictures and decided what different types of force we could identify.

Blind-folded we chose an object from the "Force Box"  and decided how to make it move. 

We sorted all the objects into groups based on the force used to make them move.

Exploring Marble-Tracks

Exploring Marble-Tracks With Mr Wynne

We used several types of developmental equipment to explore how a marble-track works.

Our challenge was to make a marble-track that:
  • ran for 5 seconds.
  • had a curve in it.
  • you can change the speed.
  • we worked as a team to create.
 We needed to look and listen                                                             carefully to all the instructions.

Working together as a team.

Listening to each other and taking turns.

What can we change to make this work better?

Thinking carefully about how it will work.

Watch the marble fall all the way  down.

Have we met all the criteria  for a
successful marble-track?

Abigail is recording our problem-solving and team-working skills.  

 We were successful when we looked, listened and thought about everyone's ideas.  We tried, made changes and tried again.

Finally we were ready to write the criteria for designing and constructing our own marble tracks next week!!

Watch this space for our Marble-Track up-date!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fun Day Friday Cooking

Friday Cooking with Mrs Lipsey

This week we made yummy pikelets.
This was an opportunity for us to use our fractions, volume, capacity and measurement knowledge that we have been learning in maths this term.  We have also been learning about procedural writing, so we used the pikelets recipe as an example.

Our wonderful cook Mrs Lipsey 

Looking ,listening and checking the recipe.
Stirring the mixture.

Watching the pikelets cook.

Spreading butter on our hot
The taste test!!

Thank you Mrs Lipsey for coming and cooking with us.  We look forward to the next time!!

Arm-chair Aerobics

Due to rainy weather Room 11 have started arm-chair aerobics in the classroom.

The children have had great fun getting fit by sitting down.