Wednesday, June 29, 2016

中文 Survey

Hi everyone!

Zhang老师 has asked that we please follow the link below and fill out the survey for her.

Remember to read the instructions carefully, answer ALL of the questions and don't forget to click on SUBMIT when you are done.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Topic driven reading

This week we are doing challenges in Reading, the challenge is to remember and understand as much as we can about our topic. We had a choice of four topics and we chose the one that was most interesting to us. Later in the week we are working to wards creating something new based on our topic.

We have done lots of reading and discussing...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Learning about Matariki

Lots of groups have been doing lots oflearning  about Matariki this week. Group 2 have been reading several different articles about Matariki and synthesizing the information into a group brainstorm. The boys raced the girls to learn the most and it was a draw!

Group 4 have been watching a video  about weaving and have used that information to make a kete for their Matariki feast...they had to do lots of problem solving!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sharing our reports in assembly

This morning some of us had the opportunity to share the introductions of our reports with the whole school in assembly!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Snacks and ladders with Renee from Project Energise

We had lots of fun with Renee from Project Energise this morning. She was teaching us about healthy food choices especially snacks...we played a giant game of snacks and ladders!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A new face in Room 11

We are very happy to have the awesome Muss Thompson (Natalie) in room 11 for the rest of the term. She has been teaching us some cool maths games. This one is called 'I have, who has?'