Current learning in R11 has been about information reports, making notes using key words so we can research quickly and efficiently, and investigating patterns and relationships between numbers that help us solve addition and subtraction problems. We also continue investigating into our unit of inquiry: A better understanding of the properties of materials leads to innovation and responsible enterprise.
A few excerpts below from students:
On Thursday the 25th of May, 2017, Room 11 and 12 went to the University of Waikato and had a great experience learning lots of interesting things about science.
Our favourite part of going to the university was learning about the properties of heaps of different materials like plastic, glass, and other sorts of materials. By Skyla and Dilni
How can rocks change ? temperature weather
Sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock. Metamorphic rock can change into igneous or sedimentary rock. Igneous rock forms when magma cools and makes crystals. Magma is a hot liquid made of melted minerals. By Moihi and Lucas
University of Waikato Field Trip
In room 11 we have been learning much about science and inventions. On Thursday we went on a field trip to the Waikato University, and they taught us lots about the properties of magnetic material, objects, and other interesting stuff. Room 11 saw a special kind of wire that if you bend it then place a source of heat close to it, it will straighten back to its previous position. I found it fascinating!
The class really enjoyed observing the scientists showing us some crazy experiments that you can do with silly putty.
Rob explained how if you moved away from it slowly it would stretch much longer than if you really tugged hard.
Thank you to the science team for showing us some cool stuff! By Murphy