Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Who is Sophie Corbidge?

What can you find out about this mystery person?

Before you start, think about some questions you might want to answer.

If she was a book, 

-Who might you recommend her to? 

- How would you describe her? 

- What would be the hook for the person reading your review?


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  1. -Who might you recommend her to?
    -Triathlon kids

    -How would you describe her?
    -Strong,Happy and fearless

    -What would be the hook for the person reading your review?
    -She is a strong fearless women who stars in the Oceania Triathlon.

  2. Love your word choices, Karyse! She sounds like a great character for a book, doesn't she?

  3. Who might you recommend her to?

    How would you describe her?
    Fit and fast

    What would be the hook for the person reading your review
    A Fit dude with lots of health

  4. Q-Who might you recommend her to?
    A-Children who might be athletic or just likes to read.

    Q-How would you describe her?
    A-Brave and never gives up (Perseverance)

    Q-What would be the hook for the person reading your review?
    A-She is a brave woman who is athletic and also has a sweet tooth.

    1. Love your word choices- perseverance! Interesting fact about her sweet tooth!

  5. -who might you recommend her to?
    -kids who like to run,bike and swim

    -how would you describe her?
    -can do attitude,strong and fun

    -what would be the hook for the person reading your review?
    -a women who is a great role model and a fearless person who stars at the Oceania triathlon

    1. Your hook is very intriguing! I love the vocabulary you chose to write that line.

  6. I wold recommend it for a kid that likes exorcise

  7. - who Might you recommend her to?
    The Everyman

    - How would you describe her to ?
    Brave,happy,never giving up

    - What would be the hook for the person reading your review?

    she is brave she has her trust and she will complete her Goals.

    1. Do you admire people who complete their goals?

  8. she never gave up and keeps trying

  9. From Fou: A1)-kids that like athletes and that like to become her fav fan also who likes running .
    A2)-she is fit and she is healthy also she `is a good athlete and a good role model.
    A3) -my hook would be interesting facts, for an example:
    She can run for 24 hours.

    1. What a great way to capture the audiences' attention. What other interesting facts about her can you find that would be good hooks?

  10. From Surleen:
    Who might you recommend her to?
    Someone who is keen to do sports (Swimming) and who likes water
    How would you describe her?
    she is happy, strong, and she never gives up
    What would be the hook for the person reading your review?
    she never gives up and she is a strong swimmer

    1. What could a person who is not keen on sports learn from her example?
