First Block: While one person does Maths on the
computer, the other person analyses text. Then swap over.
Open this website: Maths Games FractionsThere are
many different challenges here. Find the ones that you feel confident working
at. Set yourself a time linit of 30minutes. Work on these fractions, then try
one that challenges you. Work at this level for 10 minutes.
Analysing Text.
Read the article- on the handout.
Answer the questions with as much detail as you can.
Remember to use your editing skills- punctuation and reading over
your sentences to make sure they make sense.
Glue the answer page in your reading books.
MIDDLE BLOCK: Your Inquiry
You have been doing an inquiry in class into an art form. Choose a piece of your inquiry that you can work on to complete. You will share with your group tomorrow. |
Writing time.
Choose an image from Pobble365.
What can you infer from the image? What is this about? What is
happening? When is it? Where is it?
Now plan what you will write and how you will write it. Is it a
description? Will you describe this moment in time?
Is it part of a story? A beginning, the middle or the end of the
Is it an EVENT? Will you tell us about this like a news reporter?
Is there some information we should know about some part of this?
Plan your writing, and then begin to write in your writing book.
Quick finishers: Select a website from the side of this homepage
to practice one of your goals.
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