Sunday, May 14, 2017

The key properties of a problem solver

In Room 11 we have been identifying the key properties of being a problem solver. We have been having some meaningful discussions about which properties are the most important and why.

With a buddy, can you describe your decision making process.

For example, We decided that ........... was more important in problem solving ....... because ........


  1. We chose overcoming out of respect and overcoming because...
    Respect should be an everyday thing and overcoming means you will be more successful in your goals. Written By Ocean and Kaylee

    1. Thank you Ocean and Kaylee. Can you give an example of a time when you had a problem you felt like you worked hard to overcome?

    2. My first speech. I was afraid and I finally overcame it and the following years I have done a good job, all because of that first year of speeches I overcame. -Kaylee

  2. I think Puzzle pieces is better than strength because puzzle pieces already has strength.Using puzzle pieces will help you with problems and strategies

    1. Yes, a person who lives out our puzzle pieces will develop an inner strength. What specific puzzle pieces do you find help you with solving problems Karys?

  3. Our first decision out of never giving up or resilience, we had a group discussion and we all agreed on resilience because...
    Resilience is the similar to never giving up, resilience has a deeper meaning and is used more in everyday life. Written by Kaylee and Ocean

    1. So never giving up is a small part of what it means to be resilient? I would love to hear more about what it means to be resilient.

    2. You can recover from something that was hard and difficult.


  4. you need team work to problem solve

    1. Thanks Lucas. Can you think of a time when you solved a problem as part of a team?

  5. You need team work to have food money family cars.

    1. Thanks Brandon. So from your perspective, team work is a really important part of every day life. Can you think of a time when you solved a problem as part of a team?

  6. I think Puzzle pieces win because puzzle pieces are the things that we need to know in life and strength is something that has been inside you all along and strength is important but not that much in silverdale we have puzzle pieces like:taking action, being in charge, being connected and wellbeing so as you can see puzzle pieces is something you need to know and DO!!strength is like lifting something and having strength so puzzle pieces has strength as well so strength is also like can do attitude but i think Puzzle Pieces should win and i hope you think that to


    1. So from your perspective Dilni, you think our puzzle pieces help us with is to develop our inner strength? Can you think of one of our puzzle pieces which would really help us solve problems?

  7. i think that it's a tie because:
    they have the same prpertes

    1. Tell me more Noah - which two properties were you discussing?

  8. I think its a tie because: can do attitude is a strategie
    and its all one

    1. Thank you Stella. So from your perspective having a can do attitude is one problem solving strategy?

    2. I agree but I'd also like to add on... Having a can do attitude can succeed goals but you always need strategy's for those problems. Strategy's that you have used before.

  9. resilience is bouncing back so get back up you keep on trying. We think this is more important than figuring it out because
    if you figure it out thats good but if you dont have resemblince you might Fail and wont get back up
    Moihi Murphy Tyrahn and then what don we do

    1. Thanks for clarifying what resilience means. You make a great argument for choosing resilience over figuring it out. Can you boys think of a time when you displayed resilience?

  10. You have all chosen good reasons for your choices and can explain them well. What a useful discussion you had today. It is great to see your ideas about the properties of a problem solver!

  11. Replies
    1. Hey Fou, Which of the properties of a problem solver do you most agree with? What is your reason?
