Monday, October 17, 2016

The myth of the eggshells

Yesterday we tested the last story that we had heard about snails. We heard that snails won't cross a border of eggshells so we set up a test.

As you can see the snails don't care about eggshells, they will crawl over them with no problems!

We call this myth BUSTED!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ice ice baby!!

We had so much fun ice skating on Friday! As well as being a heap of fun it was a very good illustration of a quote that we have focused on recently "A ship in the harbour is safe, but that's not what a ship is for". We found that in order to improve we had to be willing to take a risk!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Busting snail myths!

We heard some stories about how to keep snails out of the garden...
And we set out to test these stories...are they myths or are they plausible?

"We heard that snails won't crawl over salt."
This was our setup...

We wanted to see whether the snails would cross the circle of salt to get to the cabbage.

It turns out they won't go near the salt...they avoided it. We say this myth is PLAUSIBLE!

"We heard that snails won't crawl over coffee grounds."
So we tried the same setup as the salt but this time we used coffee grounds...

It turns out they are very happy to crawl across coffee grounds! We say this myth is BUSTED!

"We heard the snails are attracted to beer."
In our test we gave them a choice of cabbage or beer...

It turns out they were attracted to the beer but they wouldn't get right in. We are calling this myth PLAUSIBLE!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Snails everywhere!!

Last term we learned a lot about pests and we thought of lots of ways to keep them out of our class garden. We have lots of cool ideas to show you in Week 5!

We have some stories that we have heard about snails and we want to be Myth Busters and test those ideas. We watched the real Myth Busters testing their idea about elephants and mice and we have designed our own experiments to test our stories about snails.

You can watch the Myth Busters here:

Today we observed the snails very closely and made drawings of them: