Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Thursday- Appreciation and Reflection day.

Today we will accomplish two goals:
Notes of Appreciation.

When you have discussed with your partner who would like to write a note for, you can click on THIS LINK.

It will take you to a slide show.
  1. Choose a slide no one else is using.
  2. Put your names at the top.
  3. Talk about your plan- what will go in each paragraph?
  4. Insert a text box and start typing your note in there.
  5. Once you have finished, check your work carefully- spelling, paragraphs, ideas...

  • Visit two other slides and give some helpful feedback. For example, writing tips, or comments on their thank you ideas.
To make a comment, highlight the words you want to comment on, click on INSERT and choose COMMENT. Write in the comment box and click DONE.
Memories and Metaphors.

You will choose at least three images and use them to represent something to do with this year. You will put the pictures on Seesaw and write your connections.

Think about these categories to get some ideas:
Friends, Term 4, Your class, Your teacher, An event from this year, how you are feeling now…

It has 30 images. Connect your category to one image.

For example, I think the photo of the knots are like my friends because we always stick together and are stronger together.
1). So I copy the photo of the knots:
Image result for knots
2). I put the picture on Seesaw as one of my three images and then write my reason about why knots remind me of my friends.

3). Give useful feedback to two other people on their Seesaw entries.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Letter to Future Me.

Image result for future me

This is a website that you can send a letter to yourself at a time and date in the future.

On Wednesday the 12th of December it is the last Wednesday of school.

You will have been on the Senior School Fun Day, had speech finals, started packing up your class, you will soon be finding out your teacher for next year or getting ready to leave for your Middle school or Intermediate.

Maybe you want to tell yourself how well you have been doing this year, and send a letter of appreciation? maybe you want to send some advice?

Maybe you want to tell yourself how you feel RIGHT NOW and how you HOPE you are going to be feeling then?

I wonder if you will change a lot during the next 3 weeks?

Write a letter to yourself ON GOOGLE DOCS so it does not get accidentally deleted. Then copy and paste it to this site. You can use your school email address. Select the option to choose a specific date and put in the 12th of December, 2018.

Y6 only

Y6 Awards.

Hello Year 6's.

Please talk with a partner or in a small group. Be REALLY creative and see what ideas you have to celebrate and GENTLY tease your teachers about the memories you have of them.

Take a look at the survey and start thinking of some funny ideas that your teachers might deserve awards for.

Once we have a good lot from the Year 6's, I will bring them back to all of you to vote on- or send out another survey.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Human Rights

What are some real life situations happening RIGHT NOW that are connected to Human Rights? Browse the four articles from Kiwi Kids News and choose one to write about in your Inquiry Book.

What are the human rights connected to this article?

Why are they putting money into these areas?
What are the issues in these areas in New Zealand?
What human rights will it help with? Do you think it will be enough?
What would you change? (Why?)
What are the human rights connected to this article?

Why are they celebrating this?
What did people do to make this HUGE change happen in New Zealand? What actions did they take?
What are the issues in this area in New Zealand?
Do you think having a vote was enough to make sure they had equal rights? (Why/Why not?)
What would you change? (Why?)
What are the human rights connected to this article?
What are the issues in this area in New Zealand?
What human rights will it help with? Do you think it will be enough?
What would you change? (Why?)
What do you have to do to make a submission? See if you can work it out by following the link provided- it is a little bit tricky…
What are the human rights connected to this article?
What are the issues in this area in New Zealand?
What human rights will it help with? Do you think it will be enough?
What would you change? (Why?)

Monday, September 17, 2018

What will we do with our learning?

R11 you told me all the ideas you had about what you needed to do next. Now we need to make it happen.
Take a look at this survey and fill in your choice.
(you don't have to wait for me to get started, if you have chosen something and have time in class, then GET GOING! SOOOOOO excited!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Thursday Independent Learning

First Block: While one person does Maths on the computer, the other person analyses text. Then swap over.

Open this website:  Maths Games FractionsThere are many different challenges here. Find the ones that you feel confident working at. Set yourself a time linit of 30minutes. Work on these fractions, then try one that challenges you. Work at this level for 10 minutes.

Analysing Text.
Read the article- on the handout.
Answer the questions with as much detail as you can.
Remember to use your editing skills- punctuation and reading over your sentences to make sure they make sense.
Glue the answer page in your reading books.
MIDDLE BLOCK: Your Inquiry
You have been doing an inquiry in class into an art form. Choose a piece of your inquiry that you can work on to complete. You will share with your group tomorrow.

Writing time.
Choose an image from Pobble365.
What can you infer from the image? What is this about? What is happening? When is it? Where is it?
Now plan what you will write and how you will write it. Is it a description? Will you describe this moment in time?
Is it part of a story? A beginning, the middle or the end of the story?
Is it an EVENT? Will you tell us about this like a news reporter?
Is there some information we should know about some part of this?

Plan your writing, and then begin to write in your writing book.
Quick finishers: Select a website from the side of this homepage to practice one of your goals.

Monday, August 20, 2018


First idea for  LANDSCAPES
Watch this. Do the background and then take a couple of pics from around school that you could use in your watercolours.
First idea for SILHOUETTES
Watch this. Think about something that you could use as a silhouette that people would RECOGNISE. Find it online to use in your picture. Get startedJ
First idea for doing your own cartoons with watercolour.
Watch, sketch a 3 frame cartoon. Go to it J