Thursday, December 7, 2017

Year 6

Click here to add your comment to the document.

Who might we need to communicate with?

Fun Stuff: Look below and choose an idea to explore...

Image result for future me
What would you like your future self to remember or know?

Maybe you could send yourself a letter of appreciation?

OR send yourself some advice- What would you tell your future self if you wanted to send a message to arrive in one MONTH??? 

How could we communicate with Aliens?

What if?
What if there was life on other planets somewhere in the galaxy?

Image result for ufo
What might we want to tell them? What would be important to know?

How would we communicate? What language to represent Earth? The most common language? Would it be a language?

What form would we use to get our message across?

Below are some people who are exploring this idea.

What about to yourself?

Image result for future me
What would you like your future self to remember or know?

Maybe you could send yourself a letter of appreciation?

OR send yourself some advice- What would you tell your future self if you wanted to send a message to arrive in one MONTH??? 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Hey Room 11! Hope you have a great day today.

Hello kidlets!
Sorry I am out today. Think of it as an adventure- exploring other classrooms. If you see any good ideas, bring them back to share tomorrow- we can learn a lot when we spend time with new people, even the little people, sometimes they have the most fun ideas!

I have a little challenge for you today- Random acts of kindness. I can't wait to hear how you go today.

It is kind of exciting to give you the chance to be leaders in the school like this. You could be the best thing to happen to the classes you are in today, I am sure the teachers will be so glad to have you join them and help out today. If you can't be useful, just keep going with your learning below. You are SUPER independent so you will have no troubles. If you need help, ask each other first- look after each other!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Communication timeline research.

Time line of different forms of communication.

WHAT is your communication item?
How does it work? What are the parts? what do they do? How does it help us to communicate?
When was it invented? Or when did it start to be used? Or what was the period of time it was mostly used in?
How has it changed over time? (Why did it need to change?)
What is interesting that we want to share with others?

The final tag you put on the timeline might look something like this. BUT you need to research first!!! Notes in your Unit of Inquiry book!
My team:
Our communication item is:
How it works:
How has it changed? (Why?)
How it helps/helped us communicate:
Interesting facts:

TO DO: Moihi, Kyu :
Post Pigeons

Alexis. T., Surleen, Jalyn
Message in a bottle
TO DO: Abdulelah, Nesharne, Helena:
Great resource- click it
New source- look here
Stella, Noah,
Public telephone boxes
Nathan, Fou-
Morse code
TO DO: Dilni, Raetara, Tylah-Jade

Ocean, Chassidy, Skyla,
Smoke Signals
Murphy/ Tyrahn
Alp Horns
Brandon, Isitolo

Ella May, Kaylee, Erana
Cave Paintings

Missing: Anakiu, Caryl, Ella-May, Ethan, Karyse. What will you find out about for our class timeline?

If you do not have a communication item, here are some ideas you can choose from:

letters, email, newspaper, braille

Motion pictures




Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Zoo Debate

In LT2 we are learning about writing to persuade. As part of this learning, we are reading many persuasive texts. This week, we are reading 'The Zoo Debate' but Philippa Werry.

Read this article. You choose whether it is out loud with a buddy, or quietly to yourself.

Answer these questions in the comment box on this blog post.

Can you find:
1. 5 subject-specific words
2. 5 emotive words
3. 5 reasons why zoos can be helpful
4. 5 reasons why zoos may be considered harmful.

Decide what you think about zoos. Plan your argument for or against zoos on the graphic organiser. When you have conferenced your plan with a teacher, you may start writing your draft.

Monday, September 18, 2017


For the conferences, Open this document, MAKE A COPY (under file).

NAME your copy and share it with Mrs Curry AND Mrs Tuck.

If your parent cannot come to school, you can take this home with your samples to share with your parents.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

MT2: Persuasive Texts

Yesterday we looked at a Pamphlet from the Labour Party. We decided that it was trying to convince us to vote for Labour. It gave 6 clear reasons why. Your first job is to finish identifying their key arguments and adding that to your graphic organiser. Be sure to identify their opinion statement, and call to action!

Below is a link to the National Party website. On this page, National is trying to convince you to vote for them.
1. Read this webpage (you don't need to click on all the thumbnails to read more - you can if you want to though!)
2. What reasons does National give to vote for them?
3. Are you convinced? Why? Why not?
4. Try to put some of NAtional's arguments onto a new graphic organiser (In your tray)

Here's the link:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Persuading others

This link has a range of advertisements. These advertisements are trying to persuade you. Watch this video, CHOOSE ONE of the advertisements and answer these questions:

What is the advertisement trying to persuade you to do?
Why is it trying to persuade you?
Are you persuaded? Why/Why not?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Who is Sophie Corbidge?

What can you find out about this mystery person?

Before you start, think about some questions you might want to answer.

If she was a book, 

-Who might you recommend her to? 

- How would you describe her? 

- What would be the hook for the person reading your review?

Use the menu at the top of the website to navigate.
Post useful details to this blog entry- just 'comment'.

Author Matt Elliot visits the Senior School.

Room 11 12 13 14 and 16 had a special visitor to th esenior school he is a book writer.
He has written 13 books and his name was Matt Elliot .
He gave us a message to “Keep reading! If we one book each week of the year you would read 52 books a year.” By Ella May

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Testing our Designs

Image result for the design processAn important part of the design process is testing and evaluating our products. Last week we had the chance to test out our wet-weather games with some of the junior school. With your partner, discuss these three questions and comment your answers below:

1. What did our market think about our design?

2. How can we improve our design?

3. How can we make it more appealing to the market?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

How does change happen?

In Room 11, we have began to learn about some of the problems associated with our plastic use. This has led us to ask the question:

Below are some links to people trying to make a positive change.

Choose one link to read and see if you can answer these questions:

1. What are they trying to change? Why?
2. How are they trying to make change?
3. Who is involved in making change?
4. After reading this article, what have you learned about how change happens?
5. What questions do you still have?

Plastic Bag Ban gets a boost

South City takes first steps to ditch plastic bags

The Bag Ladies of Collingwood

The Kiwi Bottle Drive

Nelson Central School, making their own lunch wrap

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Term 3 Overview


Take a look at this video. What stages do designers go through when they are creating or inventing something?
What questions do you have for a REAL designer?
What are you wondering about?


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Wait! What???!!! Waste....

Browse through the sites below. 

Choose one you are interested in.

What are you wondering about? Post your most intriguing questions on the wonder wall.

Use the questions on the board as a guide to respond in your inquiry book.

What are you wondering about? 

Post your most intriguing questions on the wonder wall.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


1). Make the Matariki stars from recycled materials.Make the stars- YouTube video to show how with paper- be creative, what properties might your materials have?

2). MURAL team- Maximum 8.
1 page per class. The  mural should: represent any aspect of Matariki
Eg. end of harvest, seven stars, new year - new beginnings / goals, feast...

3). Research- find out about the constellations. Diagram, Describe, Explain.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Survey for Room 11 Students

Make sure you are signed into your google account. Next, click on this link. Make sure you have 10 minutes to focus. 😄

Exploration Hour survey.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Recycling Paper

In Room 11 we have been learning how to recycle paper. After making a sheet with plain newsprint, we are exploring ways we could alter the properties of our recycled paper to use it for different purposes.

Feel free to post some pictures of your first attempt at recycling paper!

Here are some questions for you to consider and answer on this blog post.

1. What were the properties of your recycled paper? Think about its size, shape, colour, texture, strength etc.

2. What do you want to be able to do with your paper? How will you change the properties of your paper in order to do this?
Some websites that might be helpful in your research:
Whitening paper:
Things that can be made from recycled paper pulp - to get your imagination going!
Paper pulp seed cups:
Gift tags with seeds inside:
Sculpture/Art work:
Paper shapes/decorations:
Paper pulp bowls:

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Waste materials. Research, note-taking and report writing.

Step One:
Choose one of the sources below.
Plastics- Tiki the Penguin


The problem with waste in NZ

Step Two:
Watch or read through the site.

Step Three:
What are some of the main ideas?
Write 4 of them into the windmill.

Step Four:
Start recording details in key words onto the windmill.

Step Five:
When you have enough details you can write an information report. You can use the Information Report organiser if you like.

Step Six: What is the subject? Write an introduction like we have practised.

Step Seven:
Each windmill arm is a paragraph. Write a topic sentence that tells us the main idea of the paragraph.
Now put supporting details.

Step Eight:
When you finish the paragraphs, think about a concluding statement- it can give clues to your feelings about the subject by the word choices you make.

Playground Grand Opening

By Ella May and Erana
Image result for thank youto all the people who helped make our playground a better place.
We had a lot of fun trying it out today.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Learning in R11

Current learning in R11 has been about information reports, making notes using key words so we can research quickly and efficiently, and investigating patterns and relationships between numbers that help us solve addition and subtraction problems. We also continue investigating into our unit of inquiry: A better understanding of the properties of materials leads to innovation and responsible enterprise.

A few excerpts below from students:
On Thursday the 25th of May, 2017, Room 11 and 12 went to the University of Waikato and had a great experience learning lots of interesting things about science.

Our  favourite part of going to the university was learning about the properties of heaps of different materials like plastic, glass, and other sorts of materials. By Skyla and Dilni

How can rocks change ? temperature weather
Sedimentary rock can change into metamorphic rock or into igneous rock. Metamorphic rock can change into igneous or sedimentary rock. Igneous rock forms when magma cools and makes crystals. Magma is a hot liquid made of melted minerals. By Moihi and Lucas

University of Waikato Field Trip
In room 11 we have been learning much about science and inventions. On Thursday we went on a field trip to the Waikato University, and they taught us lots about the properties of magnetic material, objects, and other interesting stuff. Room 11 saw a special kind of wire that if you bend it then place a source of heat close to it, it will straighten back to its previous position. I found it fascinating!
The class really enjoyed observing the scientists showing us some crazy experiments that you can do with silly putty.
Rob explained how if you moved away from it slowly it would stretch much longer than if you really tugged hard.
Thank you to the science team for showing us some cool stuff! By Murphy

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Highlights this week, according to Surleen, Murphy, and Caryl.

On Wednesday the 17th of May, we made crystals. It was interesting. I had never made crystals before, that’s why it was interesting for me. First we turned on the fire and placed the pan on top. It heated up in minutes or even seconds. I got to learn if we try again and never give up we can do it, if it seems hard don’t worry, try again and again, it won’t seem hard. I learned lots of new things by making crystals and have to learn more things by keeping focused. By Surleen.

This week (12-18/05/17) I enjoyed Crystal-Making. I learnt a lot about crystals and I'm still learning more about them. Making crystals were also fun but I kinda burnt myself but still had fun (。◕‿◕。) Crystal making is fun and you should try it too! (◕‿◕✿)  By Caryl

Basket ball at lunch

One of my highlights of every lunch would have to be having a game of basketball. It's run by usually Tyrahn and Fou. It’s fun and entertaining. I like to do it, come join in with lebron James And Steph Curryc26-B001BKX0V4-1-l.jpg921da62127ce651a73fa2714e24b1cb7.jpgimages.jpgI hope I see you at basketball. If you don’t know how to play, we will teach you the main parts of basketball. We play on a one hoop court most of the time, so you only go for one spot. I think it's easier. Just ask Fou Murphy and Tyrahn and you can plaaaaayyyyyyyyy! By Murphy

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The key properties of a problem solver

In Room 11 we have been identifying the key properties of being a problem solver. We have been having some meaningful discussions about which properties are the most important and why.

With a buddy, can you describe your decision making process.

For example, We decided that ........... was more important in problem solving ....... because ........

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Term 2: Week 2

This week was Image result for stuffedFULL of learning.

In our unit of inquiry:
A better understanding of the properties of materials leads to innovation and responsible enterprise- this week we explored more about the concept of PROPERTIES.

Mrs Montford brought in some crystals.
Our class had asked her about the crystal she wears as jewellery, she was only to happy to share where she collected them from and what she knew about their formation.
We them researched the physical properties of crystals by observing them using our senses. (Except taste!).
See here for a video made by Ethan and Lucas where they share their learning.

After analysing the properties of crystals we analysed the properties of Hokey Pokey and then observed the reactions of 3 white powders (kitchen ingredients) to a clear liquid.

We built up the vocabulary we need to discuss and identify properties of materials, to be added to as we progress through this unit.

In our math inquiry;
Understanding the patterns and relationships between numbers helps us solve problems- we worked on different problems, working on our times-tables, and number strategies based on patterns and relationships.

Language: We analysed non-fiction text and identified the main idea and key words that we could record to capture the main details. We also played with putting them from note form back into sentences.

Our year 6 leaders spent the day at a Leadership Retreat. Tyrahn said it was fun, Moihi spent time reflecting on his leadership goals, and Fou shared that to be a leader you have to show people how to be, he stated that "If you don't do the right thing, why would anyone follow you?" Then he matched his actions to his words! The overall feedback from all the leaders was that they had fun and have leadership goals they are going to work on. Watch this space!

In class we worked on our Respect puzzle piece working out what respect looks like, sounds like and feels like in different situations. Each student set and self-reflected on their personal Respect goal each day.

Finally we ended the week with an EXPLORATION HOUR-  students got to choose from:

Technology challenges- Work as a team to beat the clock and conquer the challenge! A bit like The Amazing Race- but with way-less travel, use the materials supplied to solve the problem-
Example: Using a cardboard box, plasticine, and a plastic spoon, build a sled to carry one of your team members for 20 metres. You have 25 minutes...Go!
Arty Crafty - Making different kinds of crafts to keep and give away e.g picture frames with watercolour paint/pencil art, stone sculptures mosaic/paint, maybe flax weaving (get someone from the marae or school community to teach or woven paper placemats), bead crafts - key rings, bracelets, tissue paper sun-catchers, bird feeders...
Groovy Gardeners
A chance to get your fingers dirty and make a difference to the school. This spot may include some cooking in the kitchen too for lunchbox goodies. Some building and making signs for gardens too.
Try to get a water retention system going and possibly do different gardens around the school.
Electronics - looking at how circuits work and having fun making some.
Photography - Looking at forced perspective photography.  Creating optical illusions to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is.  We will finish up with a competition of our photos.
Sports activities, developing hand eye coordination, movement skills, game awareness.

Image result for parents wordand Caregivers- Do you have something you would like to add and lead in Exploration hour? Or would you like to join us and explore with a small group each Friday? Contact your classroom teacher and let them know!