Tuesday, September 5, 2017

MT2: Persuasive Texts

Yesterday we looked at a Pamphlet from the Labour Party. We decided that it was trying to convince us to vote for Labour. It gave 6 clear reasons why. Your first job is to finish identifying their key arguments and adding that to your graphic organiser. Be sure to identify their opinion statement, and call to action!

Below is a link to the National Party website. On this page, National is trying to convince you to vote for them.
1. Read this webpage (you don't need to click on all the thumbnails to read more - you can if you want to though!)
2. What reasons does National give to vote for them?
3. Are you convinced? Why? Why not?
4. Try to put some of NAtional's arguments onto a new graphic organiser (In your tray)

Here's the link:



  1. 1.What reasons does National give to vote for them?
    National says that you should vote for us because we are going to make 10 new Significant roads in nz if we win the 2017 elections
    2. Are you convinced? Why? Why not?
    No because they should put more information on the web page to convince me and other people

    1. Thank you Surleen. Does National state that they will do anything else?

  2. Q1: What reasons does National give for you to vote for them

    A1: National said "that they will stop drugs" and I'm sure adults will like it because of their children.

    They also said that by "2050" there will be no rat's,stoats or possums in NZ.

    They will send packages for young children

    Will help people with their health

    Q2: Are you convinced? Why?/Why not?

    A2: Yes I am convinced, because they are going to help the young and the old.

    I am also convinced because National said that they will stop drugs which will help adults protect their children.

    1. Thank you Karyse. You have summarised four reasons National gives for voting for them.
      1.How will National help people with their health?
      2. How do these promises compare to Labour's election promises?

  3. This is a helpful website for comparing what the different parties are promising.Here is an example of what the different parties promise to do in primary schools:

